Pastoral Expectations
These Standard are a result of the pastors staff meeting on Monday night August 19th, 2020…. The pastors themselves develop these standards together… This is not a complete list of standards but the minimum qualifications to hold the title of pastor at Refuge Ministries…
Standards for Those holding the title of Pastor at Refuge Ministries
1.Every pastor must be in an approved weekly ministry for Refuge ministries. The approval will come from the Lead pastor.
2.Every Pastor will participate in the Sunday morning Prayer time (physically or electronically) unless previously approved by the Lead pastor or they are involved in ministry at the time which will be approved by the Lead pastor.
3.Every pastor is expected to support other campuses as able.
4.Every pastor is expected to maintain continuing education yearly which will be approved by the Lead pastor.
5.Every pastor will sign and adhere to the Social Covenant yearly.
6.Every full time pastor is expected to be at every called staff meeting and part time pastors are expected to be at every once a month night time staff meeting unless excused by the Lead pastor.
7. Every pastor should review Refuge Ministries policies on an annual basis.