Lesson 11

What is the purpose?

overcoming problems by being valiant

2 Samuel 23:20-23

Definition: Valiant - Boldly courageous; brave, stout-hearted 

1. What do you notices about Benaiah?

Benaiah was a valiant warrior that did not see problems as obstacles rather as opportunities. The NLT bible says he killed two "champions" of Moab. He also killed a lion in a pit on a snowy day. If those two aren't enough, he killed a man with his own spear and all he had was a club.

He did not see problems he saw opportunities. 

2. What opposition have you had to face in your life that you had to be valiant? 

3. When problems arise do you see issues or opportunities? 

4.  Do you have any situations or people you need to confront in a valiant way in your life?

5.  Can you be over valiant? 

6. What do you need to do to be valiant?